General construction

As a certified general contractor, we understand the importance of having someone working for you that is going to handle your project with dedication and care. Regardless of whether you need something done on your personal residence or your business, we are capable of handling almost anything you can envision. Our goal is to deliver exceptional service in every project we complete whether it’s new construction, remodeling or a renovation. Anything you have done will be completed with your individual timeline and budget needs in mind.One of our highly skilled team members will be able to discuss your vision or plans and walk you through the entire project from conception to inception and on to completion. Our trained and qualified staff will discuss all your design needs to ensure we construct exactly what you are looking for and it will exceed your expectations. We will go over everything thoroughly, multiple times making sure there is no component of your construction that is left undone.
Every construction job starts with a unique vision and it’s our role at Crone Construction is to handle the technical aspects of making our clients’ desires a reality. We’ve done the hard work and our team of top professionals can tackle any obstacle. In the construction world, there is no substitute for predictable, timely communication and delivering customer satisfaction. We have the experience to stay adaptable in the face of changes without sacrificing on the quality of work or communication with clients. Crone Construction has learned over the years that quality construction is only a means to the goal. We strive to turn every consultation into a fully satisfied client. Call us old fashioned, but we still believe that repeat customers and word-of-mouth advertising are the only worthwhile measures of success. From the initial consultation, you’ll learn why Crone Construction is the most trusted name in all of the Mid-South area!